03 February 2012

The Monthly Report

After months of counting on mainly my nutrition for weight loss, I finally got my butt in motion.  In the month of January, I didn't work out every day but I worked out more days than I didn't. 

Over the holidays I bought Just Dance 3 for the Wii and it has become my new best friend.  I don't mind sweating until my shirt is soaked through because I'm having so much fun doing it.

Between JD3, Fit Chicks (I go every Sunday) and a couple of miscellaneous activities, I managed to log 1065 minutes of exercise in 16 days and burn 9123 calories. 

I have a pretty good handle on counting my calories and I've found an activity that I can stick with for exercise.  My next goal is to try to elimate as many processed foods as I can so that I can decrease my sodium intake.  Case in point, this weekend when I make my own black bean burgers, I''ll be starting with dry beans instead of canned.  Keep your fingers crossed that they turn out ok. 

Be sure to check out my Weigh In page to see this month's stats.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making me Just Dance with you. Keep up the good work. Remember...."we" gotta incorporate those 15 lbs. Keisha
